Soybean crop in RS has good development and maintains potential, says Emater

Last week, Emater recorded "significant progress in the corn harvest, which benefited from dry and hot weather conditions."

Updated on: 13/08/2024 11:43 From: Noticias Agricolas

SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - The 2023/24 soybean harvest in Rio Grande do Sul is registering favorable development, and the crops "preserved their productive potential", although the last occurrence of widespread rain was recorded in the middle of last month, said the Emater this Thursday.

"To date, no bedding phenomena have been recorded, and the basal leaves remain intact," said the technical assistance body linked to the Rio Grande do Sul government.

Emater recalled that the last occurrence of widespread rain in the State, one of the largest Brazilian producers, was on January 16, that is, about two weeks ago.

"Due to surface runoff, a considerable part of the precipitation volume was not retained in the soil, especially in areas with low straw coverage, shallower soils and undulating topography. In this context, although a drought has not been formally established , a rapid reduction in soil moisture was observed", warned Emater.

The increase in temperatures is causing greater evapotranspiration, resulting in some symptoms of water deficiency in the sunniest periods.

"However, they still do not compromise productivity," he added.

The planting estimate for the 2023/24 harvest is 6,745,112 hectares, and the productivity outlook is 3,327 kg/ha, Emater said previously, maintaining initial estimates.

If the forecasts are confirmed, the State would have a harvest of 22.44 million tons, an increase of 73% compared to the previous cycle, when the drought affected the productivity of Rio Grande do Sul's crops.

In the western region of the state, the widespread presence of Asian rust worries producers of more advanced crops. "Robust applications are being carried out, combining active ingredients that act on multiple metabolic sites of the fungus, aiming to increase the effectiveness of the treatment...", said Emater.


Last week, Emater recorded "significant progress in the corn harvest, which benefited from dry and hot weather conditions."

The harvested area reached 41%, and crop productivity continues to show great variability, negatively impacting the State average.

"In addition to problems related to excess moisture during plant development, many producers mention that the ears are small and have significant flaws related to pollination problems," said the company.

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