Unloading Platform 10 Meters

The 10 meter hydraulic platforms are perfect for unloading stump trucks and trucks. Carrying up to 40 tons, these platforms have a 40 degree tilt provided by telescopic hydraulic cylinders, with high security systems designed by Pili and meeting the necessary characteristics for NR 10 and NR 12.


- 35/40 ton capacity
- Length 10,000 mm
- Width 3,000 mm
- Automatic locking of wheels with hydraulic cylinders
- Equipped with a flow regulator valve that allows total safety in case of hose breakage, preventing a sudden descent of the equipment.
- Side actuation by electric directional hydraulic valve
- Pushbutton activation, for wheel locking, tipping and even for moving the platform itself.
- Metal frame to support the system, supporting the two lifting cylinders of the unloading system.
- Metallic ramps
- Three-phase electric motor
- Operation cycles: Ascent: 1:25 minutes Descent: 0:30 minutes

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